Wright To the Point Acupuncture and OM
Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Wright To the Point Acupuncture and OM
Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

"Most people take better preventative care of their cars than they do their own body. Which one can you more easily survive without? Preventative medicine is important medicine. If you think you can't afford an acupuncturist, start pricing out surgery, pharmaceuticals, CAT scans, MRIs, hospital stays and other body shops. "
– Dr. Phranque Wright DAOM; L.Ac.
Dr. Phranque Wright DAOM is the Acupuncturist on staff. He is a 1998 graduate of the Colorado School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
He is NCCAOM Certified and Licensed in the States of Illinois, Colorado, Wisconsin and Indiana.
In Colorado, he served as the Secretary to the Acupuncture Association of Colorado until 2006 when he was then made a "Lifetime Member".From 2007 to 2010 he served on the board of the American Association for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM).
Dr. Phranque has over 5,000 hours of postgraduate education; in late 2006 he finished a 500-hour 5- Element certification course.
In 2007 Phranque graduated from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine with his Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine degree. He is one of the first 23 DAOM's who graduated from the First ACAOM Accredited DAOM program in the USA.
In addition to acupuncture, Dr. Phranque also offers cupping, guasha (scraping), Tuina (massage), and food therapy - just to name a few services.
Dr. Phranque considers himself a `relaxed professional' which means that he works diligently, professionally, with an air of welcome friendliness. He likes to feel that he is like the professional medical providers of days-gone-by who were thought of as an extended family member not a cold stranger doing business.
Dr. Phranque has worked on a variety of concerns including; cold/flu, menstrual problems, sleep issues, stress/anxiety, pain management, PMS, smoking cessation, digestive disorders and emotional disturbances.He has seen patients with conditions ranging from mild colds to chronic asthma, from aches and pains to MS, from anxiety/depression to bi-polar and multiple personality disorders. He's helped people who had tobacco, sugar, and alcohol addictions. He has treated allergy issues ranging from hayfever to shellfish allergies. He likes to educate his patients on their abilities to keep themselves healthy with preventative medicine, foods and balance. He feels that if you haven't gotten help elsewhere, you should try here.
Dr. Phranque can assure you that his work is solid and his mind is open to learning. In the past he ran the Acupuncture Association of Colorado Newsletter as well as the AAC's office as a whole. He was encouraged to take those positions by the recent AAC President and was nominated by the old Treasurer and past President. For three years he was a Board member of the American Association for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. The acupuncture community as a whole had confidence in his abilities and I'm sure, you too, will not be disappointed.EDUCATION
- Oregon College of Oriental Medicine - Doctor Of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
- Beijing Herbal Medical Acupuncture Institute - Diploma in Herbal Medicine
- Colorado School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine - Dipl. Ac.
- Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Jade Woman Enterprises - 5Element Certification
- Pain Management / Sports injury
- Digestive disorders
- Menstrual Regulation
- Stress and trauma
- Anxiety disorders
- Addiction
- Allergies
- Sleep
- Private Practice since 1998
- Board Member - Acupuncture Association of Colorado
- Board Member - American Association for Acupuncture and OM
- Instructor Pacific College Chicago
- Head-Instructor Chicago College of OM
- Chief Academic Officer - CCOM
If you have questions send an email or if you'd like to book online, click the link in the upper corner above.
4007 N Broadway
Chicago, IL 60613Sunday - 10AM -5PM
Tuesday - 10AM - 5PM
Thursday - 10AM - 5PM